Aug 31, 2013

Real Woman

“I don't need a man to make me feel good I get off doing my thing”- Pussy Cat dolls

No real woman needs a man to make her feel complete, good or satisfied. A real woman knows what she wants and when she wants it.   


Aug 11, 2013



Self-pleasure?  You may wonder  why would you do such thing when you  have a man/women next to you or if you have the ability to find one quite easily. Well, the answer is simple  “ Personal Satisfaction”. Still, I can imagine some may not be fond of such idea, however why not experience this activity as a tool to improve your sex live?.

Here are 3 top reasons you should consider:

Self-Love:  Pleasuring one’s self, it’s the best way to learn from your body and how it reacts to certain movements. By “Masturbating” regularly , you can learn a lot from your body, which will help with your self-esteem (Self-Love) <3 font="" nbsp="">
Improved Sex life: There is no doubt ,that by knowing your body and its reactions it will help improve your sexual experience with someone else. Some say that when you orgasm, your body exudes pheromones, hormones that give off the message that you're feeling sexual. So the more you masturbate, the more likely you are to attract lovers…YAY…

Control: This is a personal favorite, because self-pleasure it’s all about control. YOU decide when, where and how.  

Forever Lusting

Sex means so little, yet I don’t give myself to anyone.    For  you, I’ll trade the halo.   Feelings means so much, yet I expres...