Sep 17, 2018

Forever Lusting

Sex means so little, yet I don’t give myself to anyone.  
For you, I’ll trade the halo. 
Feelings means so much, yet I express them with anyone.  
For you, I’ll leave it at “hello.”  

The idea of love; has left.  
The idea of trust; is gone.  
The idea of feelings; do not exist.  

Yet, somehow.

I still get butterflies and my heart beats when I see your name.  
I still remember the first day we met.  
I still feel the same way I felt. 

Sep 16, 2018


Life works in mysterious ways.  
With you, I can go for days. 
The unexpected suddenly becomes expected.  

Let’s meet in a place that you’ve never been. 
Let’s move our bodies in ways you’ve never seen. 
Let’s play together in ways you’ve never played. 

One day with you, is all I need. 
With you, fantasies become realties and dreams come true. 
This lust cannot be diminished.

Sep 15, 2018

Love Kills

She doesn’t believe in love; it failed her. 
She doesn’t believe in forever; it left her. 
She doesn’t believe in emotions; it drained her.  
Who can blame her; he killed her soul.  
Who can blame her; he did not give it all.  
Who can blame her; she didn’t know her worth. 
She is strong; but too weak to notice.  
She loves deeply; but does not trust. 
She deserves the world; but failed to take it. 
He did not bring her the world; she did not notice.  
He created a monster; he does not see it.  
She wants to have fun.
She wants to live. 
She wants to be free.

Forever Lusting

Sex means so little, yet I don’t give myself to anyone.    For  you, I’ll trade the halo.   Feelings means so much, yet I expres...