Aug 18, 2012

3 Reasons why to Date several men

When looking for Mr. Right, we may wonder if it’s okay or not to date more than one man.

There if obviously no scientific answer to this, however when becoming exclusive to a man that you do not know it’s exclusive to you can be heartbreaking.

It’s important to understand what dating entails. Dating it’s not having sex, meeting the family, meeting the friends, and getting too close to quick. Dating is simply Dating.

1.       Keep your options open- while you are in a non-exclusive friendship with someone who you share mutual feeling for, it’s important to be open, and honest about where this leads. Keeping your options open will help you better decide if that person is your Mr. Right

2.       Self-Value- as a lady, you most know you are worth tons when dating several men you will be able to differentiate who appreciates yourself worth more and who is just following the drill to get what they want.

3.       Best match- If you become exclusive to a man right of the bat, you will never know if he was or not your best match. Do not settle for the first guy who tells you are pretty.

Remember:  Dating should only be temporary, if he does not ask you to be his girlfriend after 3 or so dates perhaps this is just a friendship.

***Warning: Having Sex with someone who you’re simply dating can become a heat break for both, if you do know how to separate emotional connection and physical attraction. Additionally, He will find you slutty (especially if he knows your dating other men, he will think you do the same with all).

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Aug 16, 2012

3 Things women want.. From men in the bedroom


3 Top Things women really want

In the bedroom from men

Some you of you may think that pleasing us is not easy, but am here to tell you you’re wrong.

Every now then a quickie is just fine, however there are 3 things most women would want during sex.

1.       Foreplay- If you receive, you must give.

2.       Take your time-  There is no rush ,  make sure you know what she wants and she knows what you want

3.       Some talking is OK- Verbal affirmation when love making is great, let her know she is Sexy and everything is great.

The key action to achieve these 3 rules is to communicate. Share your thoughts and you bedroom secrets/or Fantasies this will help improve your sex life.

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Aug 15, 2012

One Night stands

One Night stands

Is it OK to have one night stands? Why not! We are no longer in the 1900’s & you are single and loving it.

Men have it all the time…. Why the double standards?

I’m not saying become a slut or sleep with everyman you see … I am just saying ladies got needs too..

3 Tips:

  1. BE Honest: Let it be very clear that all you in for is SEX, no strings attached.  It’s not only important to be honest with the other person, but be honest to yourself.  AR you sure Sex is all you want? If yes, then go ahead have fun and enjoy.  IF you’re looking for LOVE, please do not involve yourself with this. 
  2. KNOW the Difference: There is a big difference between emotional connection and physical attraction. As a strong woman, you should know how to differentiate.  If you really like the guy, casual sex will only ruin your chance of being together.  (Remember previous post: Men like chasing)
  3. ONE time only: If you decide a one night stand is what you want. Make sure it’s a one night only. Men now days are pretty smart; they will call and “Try” to pursue only to get a second “Hit”. Don’t let it happen, this will confuse you.  Remember you only need to satisfy your needs, not his. 

Advice to all reading this post: People Open you minds, don’t be judgmental. WE all got needs.
Ladies, BE Smart when making these moves.

FYI: LOVE does not begin with SEX.

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Aug 14, 2012

Top 3 Reasons women Cheat

No Doubt it’s easier to cheat than to remain faithful.

Both men and women cheat however most women cheat for different reasons than men.

1.       No communication: This is the top reason relationships break, but it’s also the top reason women may cheat. The best recipe for this is to remain open in your relationship.

advice for Ladies:

·         Tired of the same position in the bed room? à TELL HIM

·         If you feel like you have too much to handle such as maid duties? àTELL HIM

·         He isn’t paying you the attention you deserve? ---àTELL HIM

advice for Gentleman:

·         She doesn’t seem Alright? à Ask her

·         You see her tired? à HELP HER

·         Make at least one night out of your week FOR HER ONLY

2.       Insecurity: Although we man not want to admit most ladies have some type of insecurity, whether is height, weight, eye color hair color...Who knows…? Some silly thing, we have it.

Being courted by man, it’s an easy self-esteem boost for all women. If she isn’t getting this her relationship she may seek elsewhere.

advice for ladies:

·         Your Gorgeous and Perfect the way you are. LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

advice for Gentleman:

·         Compliment your lady. Tell her how beautiful she looks (Make sure you look into her eyes when you say this)

·         Buy her a gift for no reason. She will feel loved and secure about the relationship. (Note: It’s not about the gift, but the thought)

·         Make her feel wanted.  Not only is she beautiful, but tell her she is freaking SEXY.

3.       NO Sexmistry : Also known as NO sex appeal. This is difficult for woman to admit, as most women may not want end a “beautiful “relationship solely for sex. But truth be told, Sex is a major aspect of a relationship. AS for man, it’s easier to cheat once, twice or whatever, and be with the person you “LOVE” (note: This is not love!!)  Than end it… Coward move…but it happens.

advice for ladies & Gentlemen:

·         BE honest: Sex is lacking? SAY IT.

·         Relationship Turned into Roommates only? SAY IT

·         PLEASE have lots of sex not only is it good, but it keeps you YOUNG!!!

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Aug 13, 2012

3 steps to get what you want.....Using SEX...

Use it wisely

Using sex is one of the easiest ways to get what you want from a relationship 

 Man are like animals they can be trained 

  1. Use SEX like a cookie to a toddler:  If your lover does something you like, give him a sexual favor. He will enjoy it and most importantly know why his getting it. Therefore , he will be aiming for good behaviors. 
  1. Make- up SEX : This tool can be use to your advantage. This is a great way to give in with out necessarily giving in. Additionally, this a great reason for him to agree with you . It works all the time :) 
  1. Sexy Lingerie works: If your man just got home from work and is exhausted, all he may want is a beer and watch TV. You don’t want this. Don’t let it happen. Simply walk by in your sexy lingerie , with out saying one word. Walk by softly and slowly , he will notice and forget the beer and the TV. 
Never tell your man If you DON’T do ABC , then there will be no Sex. This will backfire. Use sex as an Allay , not an enemy.  

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7 No No's Of Dating

1.      DO NOT talk about sex on the first date. Talking will open the imagination, and this great date will turn into a one night stand.
2.      DO NOT dress like a whore. Choose if you want to show cleavage or legs, not both.
3.      DO NOT over complement him, this is his job.
4.      DO NOT have sex on the 2nd date. Leave it to the imagination. When the time is right is will happen and it will be AMAZING!
5.      DO NOT get upset easily/nag/bitch. You just met the guy; getting upset easily will make you predictable.
6.      DO NOT ask him what his is thinking about. Most likely he isn’t thinking anything important. Have your own thoughts it will make him wonder.
7.      DO NOT change your plans for him. If you have plans with the girls, and he calls you for a last minute date. Tell him you have plans and you have schedule at another moment.

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Aug 12, 2012

How to become his dream girl!!

How to become his dream girl, without him noticing

Becoming the dream girl to man you have an eye on, it’s not an easy task.

It takes a real lady to achieve this and I will share some tips on how to make this possible.


1.       Take pride on yourself:

Let it be known you are important. Keep your head up, and your heels high. A mistake many women do is, we become available to easily to man. If you “really” Like a man, don’t show him this, it only looks desperate.

Remember: You are number one therefore act like it.

a.       Have a sense of humor, laugh and smile often.

b.      If he gives you a compliment, simply thank him. Don’t talk about it.

c.       Maintain you independence.

d.      Have dignity, this is your best allay.

2.       Don’t be the “nice” girl:

This is a major No. being the nice girl many times entails thinking too much about “what would he think if I” type of situation. Ladies, Stop. Once you got an eye on him and you know his got an eye on you, it really doesn’t matter what he thinks as long as you maintain your posture and remember you are a lady. And, most importantly keep a smile on at all times.

a.       If he calls you, don’t pick up on the first ring. It only shows you have no life and you have been with phone in your hand waiting for his call.

b.      Do not chase him. Do not call him. He will wonder, he WILL call. It’s an animal instinct for man to pursue a woman.

c.       If you have sex on the first date. It’s a one night stand. Do not call him the next day, you lost your chances. Move on.

 If he calls you, please ignore. Usually, these types of relationships do not become relationships and they end quickly.

3.       Do not change, keep yourself as you are. Have personality.

Many times we become someone we are not because certain comments we receive by a man. Ladies, don’t change who you are for anyone one.

a.       If he tells you: “I don’t like Red lipstick”, do not stop wearing it. If red lipstick makes you happy why stop. Same goes with hair color, Miniskirts or low cuts shirts.

b.      Don’t be afraid of giving your opinions. If you don’t like where he took you to eat, tell him. 


I really love spending time with you. And I love the fact that we are together, but Next time we should try a different restaurant.

                                        Do not say it like this:

You couldn’t take me somewhere else?   .. This gives too much attitude and attitude is not SEXY.

c.       Make sure he is aware you got things to do. Do not make it all about him.

Most man would agree that they want a lady that had a nice attitude, great personality, positive energy and a mind of her own to call her "my Wife". Therefore ladies, keep in mind these tips and you will become the dream girl you want to be.

Aug 11, 2012

Let’s talk about Sex

Let’s talk about Sex 
Remember how growing up we were told “sex is something special between a man and a women, which love each other, to make babies”... Yes... I was told this. Funny how that is far from reality. There is no fairy tale to any of this. Yes, in fact sex is something “Special”... better than drugs…but it’s not as we were made to believe and most definitely is not just to procreate. It’s much better than that. In this game Love is an option not a requirement. And, is it between a man and a woman? I highly doubt it.

The candlelight room with petals in the bed and a battle of champagne does happen, only with the man that’s man enough to treat you like a princess, but this doesn’t happen all the time.
Most ladies would agree that we would want this on our first time, but this is far from that.
As a man would agree, this treatment is only for the one and only …The Wife AKA Number 1!!!
àSo ladies, be ladies or at least Fake it. Because you will not number one, by letting the entire universe know how much of a whore you are. That behavior is for you man.
Now a days your first time, is in one of the following: Back of HIS car, in your house, or a motel.
And, it does not include any of the details above. It’s normally, a race of who can get naked first, who is hornier or who has to be somewhere in 30 minutes. This is why it’s SEX, not making love.
That rush you get in body to be with that person next to you, is to dies for.  It gets to a point that you do not think.
Your heart beats, you have butterflies, and that rush in you veins is hard to ignore.
With just one kiss you become susceptible to anything. You reach a point where you hear nothing. And you love it.
I like this three letter word more than the three word sentence. But I love the three word sentence more than anything.  
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Forever Lusting

Sex means so little, yet I don’t give myself to anyone.    For  you, I’ll trade the halo.   Feelings means so much, yet I expres...